Unlocking the Power of Gaming for Mental Health: The Mission of GameStrong: LiveStronger!

Sep 25, 2023

Welcome to the official blog of GameStrong: LiveStronger!, an initiative by the Nine2 Ninety2 Foundation. If you're a gamer with a heart for mental health advocacy, you're in the right place. Today, we're diving deep into our mission, the digital platforms we utilize, where your donations go, and the transformative impact of even a single contribution.

Our Mission

The Nine2 Ninety2 Foundation's GameStrong: LiveStronger! initiative is laser-focused on breaking down barriers to mental health care access through the power of gaming. In today's digital age, we believe that online platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for advocacy, education, and community-building. Our mission is to harness the digital landscape to create a safe space for gamers, where mental health is openly discussed, and resources are readily available.

Our Digital Platforms

Our Custom Tournament Platform

We host online gaming tournaments where participants can compete while raising funds for mental health programs. These tournaments are not just about winning; they're about coming together for a cause that matters.

Discord Community

Our Discord server is a hub for mental health discussions, resources, and peer support. Here, you can find channels dedicated to different topics, from game-specific chats to mental health advice from certified professionals.


Daily livestreams featuring popular gamers and mental health experts. These streams serve as both entertainment and educational platforms, where viewers can learn about mental health issues and contribute to the cause.

Professional Resources

We're partnering with mental health organizations and professionals to offer digital resources like webinars, eBooks, and online consultations. These resources are available to our community members at no cost.

Where Do Your Donations Go?

Transparency is one of our core values, and we want you to know exactly where your donations are going. Here's a breakdown:

Digital Mental Health Programs: A significant chunk of donations funds our online mental health services, including virtual therapy and counseling sessions.

Online Awareness Campaigns: We invest in digital marketing to raise mental health awareness, including social media campaigns and sponsored content.

Technology & Platform Development: Donations also support the upkeep and development of our Discord server, tournament platform, and upcoming mobile app focused on mental health resources for gamers.

Community Building: Funds are used to sustain our online community, including moderation and the creation of new, valuable content for our Discord and livestream platforms.

Future IRL Initiatives: A portion is reserved for future in-person events and programs, which we aim to launch once it becomes feasible.

Administrative Costs: A small percentage is used for operational expenses, ensuring that the initiative runs smoothly and effectively.

The Impact of a Single Donation

$10: Provides access to a mental health eBook for five community members.

$25: Sponsors 5 players participation in our weekly tournaments.

$50: Helps maintain our tournament platform for a week, allowing us to host more charity events.

$100: Funds a webinar featuring mental health experts, accessible to our entire online community.

$500: Contributes to the development of our upcoming mental health app for gamers.

Every dollar counts. Your contribution directly impacts the digital services and resources we can offer to the gaming community.


GameStrong: LiveStronger! is not just a charity; it's a digital movement. We're leveraging online platforms to make mental health resources accessible to gamers everywhere. While we have plans for in-person initiatives in the future, our current focus is on maximizing the impact we can have in the digital space.

Join us in making a difference, one game, one stream, one conversation at a time. Let's GameStrong to LiveStronger!